
Easy To Under­stand Expla­na­tions Of Com­puter, Soft­ware And Inter­net Terms

The vast amount of IT related terms some­times can be over­whelm­ing. Leav­ing non-tech­nol­ogy spe­cial­ists tum­bling and guess­ing mean­ings.

SHORELESS and its affil­i­ates may not even rec­og­nize hav­ing used such words or phrases in its day-to-day busi­ness. Yet, speak­ing the same lan­guage is essen­tial for a suc­cess­ful coop­er­a­tion and part­ner­ship. As we don't want to leave you behind, we com­piled this lit­tle glos­sary.

With easy to under­stand def­i­n­i­tions and expla­na­tions, we're try­ing to shed light on com­puter, soft­ware and inter­net terms you may come across when talk­ing with us. For your con­ve­nience all these terms are high­lighted and linked within our entire web­site.

We're con­stantly extend­ing and updat­ing this glos­sary. If you should miss an expla­na­tion, feel free to sug­gest it for addi­tion.