
Selected solu­tions cre­ated by SHORELESS

We're often asked, how SHORELESS can help a busi­ness flour­ish in its highly com­pet­i­tive mar­ket envi­ron­ments.

As all-inclu­sive infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy con­sult­ing and soft­ware solu­tions provider, the list of solu­tions cre­ated for our clients and tech­nolo­gies used dur­ing the last decades is exhaus­tive.

To high­light some of the more recent pro­jects and solu­tions, we com­piled the fol­low­ing port­fo­lio selec­tion.

Production Planning System

Our clients' highly com­plex process of on-demand pro­duc­tion and its reliance on timely sup­plies required for a tai­lor-made pro­duc­tion plan­ning appli­ca­tion .

By inte­grat­ing the exist­ing ERP & CRM sys­tem, we enabled our client to clearly state deliv­ery dates and iden­tify pos­si­ble prob­lems before they inter­fere with due dates.

Real-Time Systems Monitor

Run­ning a com­plex appli­ca­tions and sys­tems net­work for its oper­a­tional busi­ness, our client required a real-time mon­i­tor­ing and alert­ing solu­tion to imme­di­ately iden­tify infra­struc­ture issues.

With our web-based mon­i­tor­ing solu­tion and mobile push mes­sag­ing, our client will never again miss any down times or ser­vice prob­lems.

Electronic Signatures and Encryption

For sav­ing paper, time and costs while send­ing out invoices and reports to its cus­tomers and pub­lic author­i­ties, our client needed to inte­grate elec­tronic sig­na­tures and encryp­tion to its SAP-based invoic­ing and report­ing processes.

Our easy-to-use sign­ing solu­tion inte­grates seam­lessly into the exist­ing work­flows.

Pluggable Proximity Search

To enrich­ing the ser­vices pro­vided on its mul­ti­ple web­sites, our client was in need of a plug­gable, easy-to-con­fig­ure and inte­grate prox­im­ity address lookup.

Our effi­cient search algo­rithms com­bined with respon­sive search results and a fil­ter­able map view can be included within any web­site and adapts per­fectly to any device and browser used.

Website Relaunch

Our client required an entirely new look and feel for its cor­po­rate web­sites. Tar­get­ing cus­tomers from all over the world, max­i­mum device and browser com­pat­i­bil­ity, as well as strong multi-lan­guage sup­port and SEO were at its focus.

Our web devel­op­ment team pro­vided guid­ance, design, and hands-on sup­port while cre­at­ing the new expe­ri­ence.

Corporate Single Sign-On

Mem­o­riz­ing plenty of pass­words and pro­vid­ing cre­den­tials mul­ti­ple times a day made access­ing our clients' sys­tems a has­sle for its staff and cus­tomers.

We helped to imple­ment its new cor­po­rate sin­gle sign-on with inte­grated LDAP, Ker­beros, Social Logins, a cen­tral user man­age­ment and fine-grained access con­trol.

Porting GNU shell utilities

Work­ing on the shell can be a chal­lenge when essen­tial tools are miss­ing. Run­ning diverse legacy sys­tems with low-level shell envi­ron­ments, our client spent a fair amount of work­ing time to admin­is­ter its sys­tems with a mul­ti­tude of com­mands.

Our ported GNU shell util­i­ties enabled for faster and less error-prone results.

Fuzzy Product Search

Search­ing prod­uct names - or worse - model num­bers with mixed-up let­ters and typ­ing errors often left our clients' online shop cus­tomers with­out results.

Our Magento Com­merce search add-on with a fast and effi­cient fuzzy near­est-neigh­bor algo­rithm helps locat­ing the right prod­ucts and increas­ing cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and turnover.

Elections Polling System

For pro­mot­ing an informed deci­sion mak­ing process dur­ing fed­eral elec­tions, our client required a polling sys­tem enabling run­ning can­di­dates to express their sup­port for var­i­ous polit­i­cal and non-polit­i­cal top­ics.

Our web-based polling plat­form with social-media inte­gra­tion made the cam­paign a suc­cess with extra­or­di­nary atten­dance and atten­tion.

Newsletter Extension

A PR strat­egy dom­i­nated by its ver­sa­tile exist­ing CMS led our client to wish­ing for inte­grated newslet­ter com­po­si­tion and mass-mail­ing.

Our web devel­op­ment team real­ized easy con­tent selec­tion, fine-grained edi­to­r­ial and approval work­flows, auto­matic PDF gen­er­a­tion, and a reli­able batch pro­cess­ing with mon­i­tor­ing func­tion.

Search Results Clusterer

Our clients' staff wasted sev­eral accu­mu­lated hours a day scrolling through long lists of search results.

With our phrase-based suf­fix tree doc­u­ment clus­terer , its huge amounts of search results and doc­u­ment data is auto­mat­i­cally orga­nized and grouped into rel­e­vant result sets. Addi­tional fil­ters make search­ing an easy and effec­tive expe­ri­ence.


Dru­pal is our CMS of choice for inte­grat­ing multi-func­tional web­sites with exter­nal appli­ca­tions .

Embrac­ing high-qual­ity source code, we sup­port the Open-Source devel­op­ers com­mu­nity by pro­vid­ing the source-code qual­ity analy­sis tool PARe­view.sh. It eas­ily iden­ti­fies cod­ing stan­dard and qual­ity issues within con­tributed mod­ules and themes.