Map & Direc­tions

How to find your way to SHORELESS.


Room 2302, 23/F Lee Gar­den Two
28 Yun Ping Road
Cause­way Bay
Hong Kong SAR

Please note, that Hong Kong does not use ZIP codes within its postal addresses.
(If an online form requires you to add a postal code how­ever, you may use 999077.)

Opening Hours

9:30am - 4:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm

A warm reminder: Our head­quar­ters' offices are always busy serv­ing you and our clients from all around the world.
We like to give you the atten­tion and wel­com­ing you deserve.
If you are plan­ning to vis­it­ing us at our head­quar­ters, please make sure to always sched­ule an appoint­ment in advance!


SHORELESS has its head­quar­ters at the beat­ing heart of Cause­way Bay, in the Lee Gar­den Two tower at 28 Yun Ping Road.

By using the Hong Kong Hong Kong MTR Logo Metro, you can take the Island Line to Cause­way Bay Sta­tion. Leave the Cause­way Bay Sta­tion on exit "F2" to the direc­tion of Kai Chiu Road. After a short walk to the South, turn into and fol­low Yun Ping Road for about 2 min­utes to reach no. 28, Lee Gar­den Two tower.