
Glossary term descrip­tion

Within an IT pro­jects' require­ments analy­sis, an assump­tion is a state­ment taken as truth, upon which deci­sions are made. Assump­tions include any pre­dic­tions or fore­casts of the future.

Typ­i­cal assump­tions for IT pro­jects are:

  • Ninety per­cent of our cus­tomers use the inter­net to access our ser­vices.
  • Strong pass­words are not widely used.
  • Native mobile apps pro­vide a bet­ter user expe­ri­ence than web por­tals accessed by mobile browsers.

Assump­tions are crit­i­cal to the require­ments of an IT pro­ject because they are con­stantly made but rarely under­stood or artic­u­lated. If they prove to be incor­rect, the busi­ness objec­tives might not be achieved and the IT pro­ject may be sub­ject to fail­ure.

For this rea­son, SHORELESS always strives to iden­tify and name assump­tions and their related risks dur­ing an IT pro­jects' require­ments assess­ment.