How we work

Strong focus on your goals, agile work­flows, best prac­tices, full trans­parency, best ser­vice

SHORELESS val­ues tech­nol­ogy as an inte­gral and poten­tially dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing com­po­nent of a busi­ness. Suc­cess­fully car­ry­ing out tech­nol­ogy pro­jects for more than two decades, we have been help­ing busi­nesses to con­fi­den­tially address their tech­nol­ogy-related chal­lenges.

Dur­ing that time, we gained an in-depth under­stand­ing for pro­ject man­age­ment and work­flows, learned how to meet the needs of our clients, and cre­ated valu­able solu­tions con­tribut­ing to the suc­cess of our clients. We have brought together our know-how and expe­ri­ence and cre­ated the fol­low­ing core prac­tices. They build the foun­da­tion for the suc­cess of our pro­jects.


Dedicated Contact Person

SHORELESS aims to being a long-term part­ner for all our clients. Help­ing you suc­ceed in your busi­ness is our first pri­or­ity. There­fore, every of our clients gets one ore more ded­i­cated SHORELESS rep­re­sen­ta­tives assigned.

As your per­sonal con­tact per­sons, they pro­vide a sin­gle, con­stant source of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Com­mit­ted to your suc­cess, they will get to know and under­stand you, your busi­ness, your chal­lenges, risks and objec­tives. And they are here for you. To ensure you are get­ting the answers to all your ques­tions and the solu­tions you really need.



First Meeting

Irre­spec­tive of the num­ber of years and expe­ri­ence, every pro­ject is unique. As every of our clients is dif­fer­ent and has dif­fer­ent objec­tives, so are their pro­jects. Dif­fer­ent goals, demands and bud­gets require dif­fer­ent approaches, tech­nolo­gies, and solu­tions.

There­fore, a first meet­ing is essen­tial for you and us. Before we can turn your ideas into real­ity, we need to under­stand your cor­po­rate goals, work­flows and chal­lenges. We need to under­stand, how our solu­tions are sup­posed to boost your busi­ness. We need to under­stand, how they are used, how they will ease your work, and which results you expect.

Your per­sonal SHORELESS rep­re­sen­ta­tive and a team of mat­ter-of-sub­ject experts will meet you and your team upfront. Together with you, we're clearly work­ing out expec­ta­tions, assump­tions and require­ments to ensur­ing the suc­cess of the upcom­ing pro­ject.



Interdisciplinary Project Teams

A deep under­stand­ing not only of the tech­ni­cal aspects of your required solu­tions, but also a pro­found knowl­edge of your indus­try and chal­lenges are key to suc­cess.

Whether you need SHORELESS to com­ple­ment your in-house teams, or to cre­at­ing entire solu­tions for you, SHORELESS assem­bles its teams accord­ing to the very spe­cial needs of your pro­ject.

Backed by a team of 50+ devel­op­ers and busi­ness con­sul­tants, as well as a global net­work of tech­nol­ogy and busi­ness experts, we assign inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams to all our pro­jects. They unite all skills and exper­tise required to autonomously work on your pro­ject.



Agile Methodologies and Best Practices

Look­ing back to decades of suc­cess­fully pro­vid­ing tech­nol­ogy solu­tions to our clients, SHORELESS has an in-depth under­stand­ing of pro­ject man­age­ment and best prac­tices.

A key point to dri­ving your suc­cess in con­stantly chang­ing mar­kets is being able to react to changes in a highly flex­i­ble, but effi­cient way. That's why SHORELESS applies agile devel­op­ment method­olo­gies com­ple­mented by indus­try and require­ment spe­cific best prac­tices.

Deter­mined by short devel­op­ment cycles in con­stant col­lab­o­ra­tion with you and all other pro­ject stake­hold­ers, agile devel­op­ment allows us to pro­vid­ing you with high-qual­ity solu­tions, that not only meet time and bud­gets, but also your cur­rent and future needs and expec­ta­tions.



Full Transparency

SHORELESS believes that trans­parency greatly helps for a deep under­stand­ing of the pro­ject goals, to elim­i­nate obsta­cles, enhance team­work and to focus on the out­come of a pro­ject. There­fore, SHORELESS pro­vides var­i­ous pro­ject man­age­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools enabling every pro­ject stake­holder to always fol­low the progress and suc­cess of your pro­ject.

Ticket Dri­ven Devel­op­ment , our ded­i­cated com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form and reg­u­lar meet­ings between you and the SHORELESS teams keep every­one informed about the pro­ject goals, deci­sions made, the cur­rent progress, times spent, bud­gets, tasks and assign­ments. High­est secu­rity stan­dards, fine-grained access rights and a restric­tive data pro­tec­tion pol­icy ensure the pri­vacy of your sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion.



Quality Assurance

Pro­vid­ing high-qual­ity solu­tions is not only a phrase for SHORELESS. We under­stand, that you require reli­able, sus­tain­able, easy-to-main­tain and extend­able tech­nol­ogy solu­tions for your busi­ness to grow.

Embrac­ing qual­ity above quan­tity, SHORELESS com­bines expert know-how, best-prac­tices, proven con­cepts and state-of-the-art stan­dards with auto­mated and man­ual test­ing and reviews, accep­tance tests, as well as con­stant mon­i­tor­ing and improve­ment with every solu­tion cre­ated for our clients.

Our addi­tional bug track­ing and sup­port plat­form ensures rapid response times and fast issue res­o­lu­tions to keep your busi­ness run­ning.



Long-Term Support and Post-Services

A good ser­vice never stops by just deliv­er­ing your tech­nol­ogy solu­tion. SHORELESS assists you in deploy­ing your new prod­ucts, choos­ing and main­tain­ing the right plat­forms, cre­at­ing pre­req­ui­sites and ensur­ing the avail­abil­ity of spe­cific tech­ni­cal require­ments.

All solu­tions cre­ated by SHORELESS are guar­an­teed to receive optional long-term sup­port, main­te­nance, upgrades and fur­ther devel­op­ment accord­ing to your needs and pos­si­bly chang­ing require­ments.
