Code 39

Glossary term descrip­tion
  • Also known as
  • Code 3 of 9/
  • 3 of 9 Barcode/
  • Barcode39

Code 39 is a com­mon bar­code type used for var­i­ous labels, such as name badges, inven­tory and indus­trial appli­ca­tions . Code 39 is also known as the 3 of 9 Bar­code , Code 3 of 9 and Bar­code39 . Sev­eral stan­dards exist that dic­tate how Code 39 bar­codes should be printed for cer­tain imple­men­ta­tions.

The Code 39 bar­code is the eas­i­est of the alpha-numeric bar­codes to use. It is designed for char­ac­ter self-check­ing, and elim­i­nates the need for char­ac­ter check cal­cu­la­tions. Although a check­sum char­ac­ter is optional, many stan­dards require it.

The sym­bol­ogy of the Code 39 char­ac­ter set con­sists of bar­code sym­bols rep­re­sent­ing num­bers 0-9, upper-case let­ters A-Z, the space char­ac­ter and the sym­bols – . $ / + %. Lower-case char­ac­ters may also be eas­ily encoded. Print­ing of the Code 39 bar­code as a font is an easy process, if check­sum char­ac­ters are not required for the imple­men­ta­tion.