A Brief His­tory of SHORELESS

SHORELESS Limited is a merger of two Ger­man IT con­sult­ing and soft­ware devel­op­ment com­pa­nies. Hav­ing cre­ated soft- and hard­ware solu­tions for decades, our founders united their skills, expe­ri­ence and work­force in 2014 by estab­lish­ing SHORELESS as their new com­mon IT con­sult­ing and soft­ware solu­tions provider.


Andreas W. Wylach starts offer­ing free­lance soft­ware devel­op­ment ser­vices. As reli­able part­ner for agen­cies and B2B cus­tomers, he pri­mar­ily cre­ates web appli­ca­tions and infor­ma­tion retrieval solu­tions.


Mario Steinitz - back that time known as Mario Grotke - founds his sole pro­pri­etor­ship "Fa. Mario Grotke". Its pri­mary busi­ness is pro­vid­ing net­work solu­tions, related hard­ware, tai­lor-made mid­dle­ware, and IT infra­struc­ture admin­is­tra­tion for small to medium sized com­pa­nies, pub­lic enter­prises and pri­vate orga­ni­za­tions.


Fa. Mario Grotke seizes its hard­ware busi­ness. The busi­ness focus shifts to adapt­ing and extend­ing stan­dard soft­ware, and pro­vid­ing soft­ware devel­op­ment ser­vices. Its indi­vid­ual soft­ware solu­tions help B2B cus­tomers to over­come the lim­its of their stock soft­ware.


The legal busi­ness name of "Fa. Mario Grotke" changes to "Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing", as IT con­sult­ing becomes an inte­gral part of the ser­vices pro­vided to its cus­tomers.


Pri­vate rea­sons make Mario Steinitz to move his place of res­i­dence to China. While serv­ing clients in Europe and Asia, secured com­mu­ni­ca­tions, data secu­rity, remote teams and out­sourc­ing ser­vices extend the ser­vice port­fo­lio of Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing. The adop­tion of agile devel­op­ment meth­ods and advanced qual­ity assur­ance processes guar­an­tee for even bet­ter solu­tions.


Increas­ing demand and growth lead Andreas W. Wylach to found the IOc3 GmbH, spe­cial­iz­ing in cre­at­ing entire web based soft­ware solu­tions for all kind of busi­nesses.


As a result of their con­tin­u­ing growth and glob­al­iza­tion, IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing start work­ing together on sev­eral suc­cess­ful joint pro­jects. It quickly becomes appar­ent that both com­pa­nies share the same val­ues and pur­sue sim­i­lar objec­tives.


With the expan­sion and strength­en­ing of the coop­er­a­tion between IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing, pro­ject man­age­ment and qual­ity assur­ance processes are stan­dard­ized and merged.


The col­lab­o­ra­tion between IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing inten­si­fies. SHORELESS Limited is founded as first step to merg­ing both com­pa­nies. Join­ing the best out of IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing, SHORELESS Limited offers the entire spec­trum of IT con­sult­ing and soft­ware solu­tions not only to its founders' com­pa­nies, but to clients all over the world. The oper­a­tional busi­ness starts in April.


Dur­ing the year, the entire work­force and client base of Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing merges into SHORELESS Limited. The merger is fin­ished by the end of 2015. Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing seizes its busi­ness.


IOc3 GmbH reduces its oper­a­tional busi­ness and migrates its client base to SHORELESS Limited. The tran­si­tion is com­pleted by the end of 2016.