Lat­est Com­pany News

Chrono­log­i­cally ordered List of lat­est News.

Stay up-to-date on what's going on at SHORELESS. Here you’ll find infor­ma­tion about our com­pany, our extra­or­di­nary team of peo­ple and our break­through prod­ucts and ser­vices.

The fol­low­ing list shows all recent news. You can also browse them by cat­e­gory here.

  • Corporate Holidays at Chinese Golden Week


    Dear Clients and Part­ners,

    this is to inform you, that SHORELESS will cel­e­brate the Chi­nese Golden Week and have a two days hol­i­day by the begin­ning of the upcom­ing week (3th and 4th of Octo­ber 2016).

    In urgent mat­ters, please con­tact our sup­port team by email at sup­port@shore­less.lim­ited. We will try to respond as fast as pos­si­ble.

    Server mon­i­tor­ing and emer­gency ser­vices will still take place as to the pro­vi­sions of your sup­port con­tracts.

    Thank you and a nice Golden Week to you!

  • Categories

    With the new busi­ness year and imme­di­ate effect, we're happy to announce that SHORELESS Limited added the Chi­nese com­pany name 無界科技有限公司.

    Hong Kong based com­pa­nies usu­ally have an Eng­lish and a tra­di­tional Chi­nese com­pany name. How­ever, in its early days SHORELESS Limited pri­mar­ily served Euro­pean and Amer­i­can clients. That's why our com­pany was founded with an Eng­lish name only.

    In order to show­ing more pres­ence within Asian and Chi­nese speak­ing coun­tries, we decided to add the Chi­nese name 無界科技 to our com­pany, which lit­er­ally trans­lates to "Unbound Tech­nol­ogy". The oblig­a­tory suf­fix 有限公司 states the legal form of SHORELESS, "Limited Cor­po­ra­tion".

    Together with the new com­pany name, our com­pany chops changed as well. Offi­cial doc­u­ments and con­tracts will now be sealed with a slightly big­ger stamp con­tain­ing both names and our abstract com­pany logo, col­ored in red rather than the old blue. Old con­tracts remain valid until their des­tined expiry dates.