
Noti­fi­ca­tions about updates to the pub­lic web­site of SHORELESS.

  • New SHORELESS Website online

    Our pub­lic rela­tions team spent the last months plan­ning and work­ing on the con­cept for our new cor­po­rate SHORELESS web­site. As of the upcom­ing busi­ness year 2018/19, our old web­site shall be replaced entirely with this new site. Fea­tur­ing improved usabil­ity, our cor­po­rate iden­tity and more infor­ma­tive con­tents for our clients and vis­i­tors.

    We're happy to announce, that the first steps are done. "We're on" at https://shore­less.lim­ited. You can now fol­low our progress online, while we're still migrat­ing con­tents from our old site and inter­nal data­bases, adding trans­la­tions and doing some fin­ish.

    Stay tuned for how-to's and insights to IT related top­ics from selected arti­cles of our inter­nal knowl­edge base, our IT glos­sary, the new sup­port cen­ter and soft­ware licens­ing plat­form, and - of course - your well-known pro­ject dash­boards.

    Within the next weeks, they all will find their new home at https://shore­less.lim­ited.

  • Our new company website is online


    Our new web­site has been launched. A clean lay­out and full respon­sive­ness to sup­port most mod­ern smart­phones, tablets and PCs let you stay tuned eas­ily with the device of your choice.

    With our new web­site, we are also pleased to offer our cus­tomers a new uni­fied solu­tion for man­ag­ing their pro­jects and host­ing pack­ages.

    Exist­ing cus­tomers of IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing will receive a noti­fi­ca­tion mes­sage on how to move their account to the new "My SHORELESS" Client Cen­ter.