Web Devel­op­ment

News all around our web devel­op­ment ser­vices.

  • SHORELESS ceases its WordPress business


    It's been a long and hot debate among our client ser­vice, web experts and devel­oper teams. As a full-range IT solu­tions provider, we should of course pro­vide ser­vices for one of the most famous con­tent man­age­ment sys­tems. Its user base is enor­mous. Plenty of com­mu­nity-dri­ven add-ons are avail­able for almost every use-case one may think of when it comes to web­sites. On the other hand, keep­ing a run­ning Word­Press web­site up-to-date and con­stantly hard­en­ing it against secu­rity leaks and hacker attacks requires a huge amount of work.

    We needed more insights. So SHORELESS spent almost two years observ­ing the per­for­mance of the four PHP based con­tent man­age­ment sys­tems we reg­u­larly use for client web­sites: Word­Press, Con­tao, TYPO3 and Dru­pal. We mea­sured entry costs, time-to-mar­ket, and costs for main­te­nance and sup­port of com­pa­ra­bly com­plex sites. To no sur­prise, Word­Press sites have been fastest and cheap­est to setup and get run­ning for sim­ple sites. How­ever, by the end of the sec­ond year already, the costs for main­te­nance and sup­port of most Word­Press sites sig­nif­i­cantly out­grew their advan­tages and low entry costs com­pared to all other CMS. As SHORELESS always strives to pro­vide best ser­vices and long last­ing easy-to-main­tain solu­tions, these find­ings led us to not actively offer Word­Press any­more for new client web­sites.

    While our Word­Press devel­op­ers still main­tain and sup­port exist­ing Word­Press sites for our clients, they will now pri­mar­ily focus on improv­ing and extend­ing our web­site base pack­ages for Con­tao, TYPO3 and Dru­pal. This way, we're still able to offer low-cost, entry level web­sites to our small to mid-sized clients. They fea­ture highly cus­tomiz­able themes and include the most com­mon fea­tures out of the box. And our con­fi­dence in pro­vid­ing last­ing, extend­able and secure solu­tions that really meet the needs of our clients. Even when our clients are on a low bud­get.