Legacy PHP code is a prime target for malicious parties attempting to gain unauthorized access or deface your web application . Older versions of PHP which are marked as "unsupported" or "end of life" (EOL) by the developers of PHP no longer receive security updates, and may also contain bugs which are fixed in subsequent major releases only. It is in your best interest to remaining up-to-date.
PHP 5.3 was marked EOL in August 2014. As a courtesy to our clients, our Managed Hosting regularly offers extended support for EOL PHP, while we help our clients to upgrade their web applications to more recent PHP versions.
In order to ensure the safety of our server environments and your hosted applications , our Managed Hosting will remove support for PHP 5.3 by the end of February 2017. We will eventually also discontinue support for the 5.4 and 5.5 branches of PHP (both of which are also EOL) by the middle of this year.
What does this mean for you as a Managed Hosting client?
We already identified all client sites still using PHP 5.3 and contacted you accordingly about upgrading your web applications to PHP 5.6 or 7.x respectively. If you did not get any message from us, the above changes may not affect your sites.