SHORELESS Man­aged Host­ing dis­con­tin­ues PHP 5.3 Support

Published on: 06.02.2017

Legacy PHP code is a prime tar­get for mali­cious par­ties attempt­ing to gain unau­tho­rized access or deface your web appli­ca­tion . Older ver­sions of PHP which are marked as "unsup­ported" or "end of life" (EOL) by the devel­op­ers of PHP no longer receive secu­rity updates, and may also con­tain bugs which are fixed in sub­se­quent major releases only. It is in your best inter­est to remain­ing up-to-date.

PHP 5.3 was marked EOL in August 2014. As a cour­tesy to our clients, our Man­aged Host­ing reg­u­larly offers extended sup­port for EOL PHP, while we help our clients to upgrade their web appli­ca­tions to more recent PHP ver­sions.

In order to ensure the safety of our server envi­ron­ments and your hosted appli­ca­tions , our Man­aged Host­ing will remove sup­port for PHP 5.3 by the end of Feb­ru­ary 2017. We will even­tu­ally also dis­con­tinue sup­port for the 5.4 and 5.5 branches of PHP (both of which are also EOL) by the mid­dle of this year.

What does this mean for you as a Managed Hosting client?

We already iden­ti­fied all client sites still using PHP 5.3 and con­tacted you accord­ingly about upgrad­ing your web appli­ca­tions to PHP 5.6 or 7.x respec­tively. If you did not get any mes­sage from us, the above changes may not affect your sites.