Notes on your invoices

Ver­sion 1.5 EN, 01.11.2023

PDF format

SHORELESS invoices are cre­ated in PDF file for­mat and can be viewed with any PDF file viewer (e.g. Acro­bat Reader):­soft­ware#View­ers

Electronic signature

SHORELESS invoices are elec­tron­i­cally signed to ensure the authen­tic­ity of their ori­gin and to guar­an­tee their integrity. The elec­tronic sig­na­ture cer­tifi­cates of SHORELESS are issued by Hong Kong Post. Their cor­re­spond­ing root cer­tifi­cate "Hong Kong Post Root CA 2" and "Hong Kong Post e-Cert CA 2 - 15" can be down­loaded from the Hong Kong Post web­site at:­uct/down­load/root/index.html

In order to import the root cer­tifi­cate into your PDF viewer, fol­low the instruc­tions of its User's Guide (e.g.­bat/using/trusted-iden­ti­ties.html).

Due dates and payment options

SHORELESS invoices are due imme­di­ately upon issuance. The total amount due has to be paid with­out deduc­tions and using the cur­rency stated in the invoice. We require all inter­na­tional bank trans­fers to us to be made with the "OUR" SWIFT instruc­tion, where the payer bears all trans­fer charges and bank­ing fees. Due invoice amounts are payable to one of the fol­low­ing accounts:

  • Hong Kong (all cur­ren­cies):
    HSBC Hong Kong, 1 Queen's Road, Cen­tral, Hong Kong
    Account holder: SHORELESS LIM­ITED
    Account num­ber: 112 479647 838

Please always state your cus­tomer num­ber and/or the invoice num­ber(s) as the pur­pose of your pay­ment/mes­sage to the payee, as to your pay­ment can be assigned cor­rectly.


Objec­tions to the amounts charged for prod­ucts and ser­vices must be made in writ­ing to our account­ing depart­ment within an objec­tion period of seven (7) days from the invoice date. After the objec­tion period has expired, invoiced amounts are deemed checked and approved.

Late and default payments

Due and unpaid invoice amounts are in default of pay­ment 14 days after receipt of the invoice, with­out the need for an addi­tional reminder by SHORELESS. In accor­dance with our Gen­eral Terms of Ser­vice, default­ing amounts are sub­ject to a late pay­ment fee of 10% p.a., but not less than HKD 125.00 per dun­ning pro­ce­dure (default­ing invoice).

Deviations when rounding net amount positions

Net amounts of sin­gle invoice posi­tions are stated rounded to two dec­i­mal places. Accu­mu­lated subto­tals and total amounts are cal­cu­lated with a higher pre­ci­sion. Attrib­uted to the round­ing, they may devi­ate slightly from shown net amount posi­tions.


If you have any ques­tions about your invoice, you can reach us dur­ing our office hours by phone or e-mail at:

Phone: +852-6579-0763
E-mail: billing@shore­less.lim­ited

Last change: 01.11.2023