Email sender guide­lines

Send­ing mail to SHORELESS Limited


You may have come to this page by fol­low­ing an email rejec­tion link found in an unde­liv­ered mail response from our mail servers. The recip­i­ent(s) did not receive your email. Please con­tinue read­ing to find out why.

At SHORELESS we adhere to a strict no tol­er­ance pol­icy against spam mails. There­fore, our mail servers con­duct a series of auto­mated tests before deliv­er­ing your mails to our team or email ser­vice users.

If you want to make sure that your emails are suc­cess­fully deliv­ered, you must com­ply with the guide­lines below.


Deliv­ery issues will per­sist until your admin­is­tra­tor takes action to fully com­ply with our guide­lines. Our sup­port team will not be able to assist you oth­er­wise. 


  • Ensure that you use an exist­ing sender and/or reply to email address when send­ing mails. Emails from a sender unknown to your domain names' web­server will be rejected.
  • If you receive a "Recip­i­ent address rejected: User unknown" mes­sage, your cor­re­spon­dents' email address doesn't exist on our servers. Check for typos in the address and imme­di­ately remove those wrong email addresses from your address book(s) and mail­ing list(s).
  • Ensure that the fol­low­ing email head­ers included in your mes­sage are syn­tac­ti­cally cor­rect: Date, From, Sender, To.
  • Make sure that the fol­low­ing head­ers included in your email are lim­ited to just one each: BCC, CC, Date, From, Sender, Sub­ject, To.
  • Make sure that your mail server and email client time and date are cor­rectly set as spec­i­fied in RFC 5322.
  • Make sure your mail server has a sta­tic IP address.
  • Make sure you have valid DNS records of your domain point­ing to your mail server IP address and valid reverse DNS records of your IP address point­ing to your mail server domain. You can check your DNS con­fig­u­ra­tion here.
  • Ver­ify that your domain has a prop­erly con­fig­ured MX or A record. You can check your MX con­fig­u­ra­tion here.
  • Ensure your email server always sends a valid HELO/EHLO value (the fully-qual­i­fied domain name) as spec­i­fied in RFC 5321. You can check your HELO here.
  • Ver­ify that your mail server IPs are not listed on one of the lists.