Gen­eral Infor­ma­tion

Gen­eral infor­ma­tion about SHORELESS Limited, as well as hol­i­day announce­ments, sea­sonal greet­ings and other gen­eral news.

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017!


    Christ­mas time and a New Year are ahead. SHORELESS wishes you and your fam­ily a Merry Christ­mas, a fes­tive sea­son and a healthy and pros­per­ous New Year 2017!

    As we wind up with year 2016 and are look­ing for­ward to begin­ning the new year ahead, we would like to express our sin­cere thanks to all our clients for your con­tin­ued sup­port and for the con­fi­dence that you have placed in us. At the same time, we also like to express our many thanks to our teams and our part­ners for your out­stand­ing com­mit­ment to serv­ing our clients and deliv­er­ing excep­tional results.

    The new year will bring a lot of changes to SHORELESS's pub­lic rela­tions work. We gath­ered many new ideas from all of you and are ready to bring­ing them to life.

    We'll meet you back here in 2017 for more exclu­sive news and details about what we have in store for you!

  • Corporate Holidays at Chinese Golden Week


    Dear Clients and Part­ners,

    this is to inform you, that SHORELESS will cel­e­brate the Chi­nese Golden Week and have a two days hol­i­day by the begin­ning of the upcom­ing week (3th and 4th of Octo­ber 2016).

    In urgent mat­ters, please con­tact our sup­port team by email at sup­port@shore­less.lim­ited. We will try to respond as fast as pos­si­ble.

    Server mon­i­tor­ing and emer­gency ser­vices will still take place as to the pro­vi­sions of your sup­port con­tracts.

    Thank you and a nice Golden Week to you!