Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing merges into SHORELESS

Published on: 05.01.2015

Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing ceases its busi­ness activ­ity and fully merges into SHORELESS.

In 1997, Mario Steinitz founded his Ger­man sole pro­pri­etor­ship that emerged to Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing in 2006. It's range of ser­vices com­prised IT con­sult­ing, net­work and hard­ware solu­tions, as well as cus­tomiz­ing stan­dard soft­ware or cre­at­ing indi­vid­ual soft­ware solu­tions to its clients needs. Over the years, Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing suc­cess­fully served count­less small and medium sized com­pa­nies, finan­cial insti­tu­tions, pub­lic enter­prises, schools and pri­vate orga­ni­za­tions.

As a result of its grow­ing busi­ness, Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing part­nered with the Ger­man IOc3 GmbH. Both com­pa­nies joined forces, opti­mized their processes, and in 2014 estab­lished SHORELESS as their com­mon IT ser­vices provider. Hence­forth and in prepa­ra­tion of a com­pany merger, the clients of Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing grad­u­ally shifted to SHORELESS.

With the begin­ning of this year, the merger has com­pleted. Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing ceases its busi­ness activ­i­ties, and Mario Steinitz will now fully con­cen­trate on sup­port­ing the strate­gic devel­op­ment of SHORELESS and guid­ing its finan­cial inter­ests in his func­tion of Man­ag­ing Direc­tor and Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer of SHORELESS.