GIT replaces Sub­ver­sion as Cor­po­rate Ver­sion Con­trol Sys­tem

Published on: 14.07.2014

With imme­di­ate effect SHORELESS switches to GIT as ver­sion con­trol sys­tem of choice for its soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­jects. Sub­ver­sion (SVN) has been around and used suc­cess­fully for more than a decade within IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing respec­tively. On our way to excel­lence, SHORELESS as their new soft­ware devel­op­ment ser­vice provider is always striv­ing for bet­ter work­flows, eas­ier, safer and faster meth­ods, as well as opti­mal resource usage.

Using GIT allows for eas­ier advanced work­flows like when merg­ing source code, fea­ture branch­ing, forks and pull requests. Locally enforced val­i­da­tion and work­flow rules improve the source code qual­ity, and our glob­ally oper­at­ing devel­op­ment teams do not rely on our cen­tral SVN repos­i­to­ries any­more.

Exist­ing soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­jects still using SVN will move to our new cen­tral SHORELESS GIT repos­i­to­ries within the upcom­ing weeks.

What does this mean for You as our Software Development Project Client?

Besides get­ting faster results of higher qual­ity, the only change you will rec­og­nize is that our source code repos­i­tory browser is now SHORELESS GIT. When­ever you'd like to fol­low the progress of your soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­ject with SHORELESS by its source code and ver­sion­ing his­tory, you now have to nav­i­gate to https://git.shore­less.lim­ited, our new GIT repos­i­tory browser.

Edi­tors' note, 6th of June 2016: Updated links to SHORELESS GIT .