Found­ing of SHORELESS Ltd.

Published on: 21.03.2014

We're happy to announce, that the Ger­man IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing out­sourced their inter­na­tional pro­ject busi­ness to the newly estab­lished SHORELESS Ltd., where the con­sul­tants and devel­oper teams from both com­pa­nies join forces.

Dur­ing the last year, both com­pa­nies have been opti­miz­ing and uni­fy­ing their processes for pro­ject man­age­ment and qual­ity assur­ance. The spin­off of their pro­ject busi­ness to SHORELESS Ltd. was the next step in a series of opti­mi­sa­tion mea­sures. As a sole-based enter­prise, SHORELESS Ltd. will pro­vide its ser­vices not only to IOc3 GmbH and Mario Steinitz Con­sult­ing, but also directly to agen­cies and other com­pa­nies in need of high qual­ity soft­ware devel­op­ment.

The inter­na­tional ori­en­ta­tion of SHORELESS Ltd., its expe­ri­enced work­force and an effec­tive and tar­geted pro­ject man­age­ment guar­an­tees timely deliv­ered and reli­able IT solu­tions at rea­son­able prices. The highly inte­grated qual­ity assur­ance processes ensure the qual­ity, easy main­te­nance and scal­a­bil­ity of its prod­ucts.